BDS Software

Computer Magazine Databases Project

This is a continuing project (in progress) - I'm still adding information to the databases. Also, this is a background priority for me - I'm only working on this project in between other stuff.

Each of the following databases represents a collection of magazine articles related to the computer or software indicated:      Status: Just Started;     Records: 113;     Last Update: 2023/11/28.      Status: Stable;     Records: 3,677;     Last Update: 2021/07/17.      Status: 85% complete;     Records: 761;     Last Update: 2021/02/14.      Status: Just Started;     Records: 2;     Last Update: 2021/02/17.      Status: Just Started;     Records: 4;     Last Update: 2021/02/23.      Status: Current;     Records: 2,745;     Last Update: 2024/07/06.      Status: Just Started;     Records: 244;     Last Update: 2021/05/03.  

In all of these cases, the database is NOT (and never will be) a comprehensive index. These are my personal databases, and they only catalog articles which are of personal interest to me.

HOWEVER, they could be useful to you as a foundation upon which to build your own personal databases; by adding entries for articles which are of personal interest to YOU. You can add to them, subtract from them, or change them however you see fit.

Also, since my interests are somewhat eclectic, you may find that a good portion of what interests you has already been cataloged.

Naturally, as in any project of this magnitude, errors and omissions are bound to occur. If you come across any, I'd appreciate your letting me know about them so I can make suitable corrections.


Sections of this page:

Database Design
Column Names and Other Abbreviations
Magazine Source Locations


Coverage: primarily covers Academia, Elektor Magazine, Full Circle Magazine, Make Magazine, and micro:mag; along with some entries from the RPi database. primarily covers CoCo~123, CoCo Friends Disk magazine, Color Computer Magazine, Gamers Connection, Hot CoCo,

The Rainbow, and parts of 80 Micro; with bits and pieces of Byte Magazine, Creative Computing, Dr. Dobb's Journal,
and Forth Dimensions. primarily covers FORML, Forth Dimensions, and the Rochester Conferences (JFAR). primarily covers Embedded Magazine and the Xcell Journal. primarily covers the Linux Journal, and SysAdmin Magazine. primarily covers Custom PC, HackSpace, Hello World, The MagPi, and WireFrame. primarily covers 80 Micro, Byte Magazine, C++ Users Journal, Creative Computing, Dr. Dobb's Journal, and The Perl Journal.


Status Indicators:
Just Started - The skeleton and backbone of the database are complete, but little or no data has been entered yet.
Current - Some or all of the magazines are in current production. All issues up to the "Last Update" date have been cataloged.
Stable - All of the magazines (with minor exceptions) have ceased production. Essentially all issues have been cataloged.


The databases are all Microsoft Access 2010 databases. You will generally need a copy of Microsoft Access in order to use these databases. If you get or have a newer (than 2010) copy of Access, it may translate the database into its own format - this is normal. If you have a copy of Microsoft Access which is older than 2010, it will not be able to use these databases.

For your convenience, a .csv text version is also included in packages which have a significant percentage of completion.

If you just want to look at the database entries without changing anything, just open the .csv file in Notebook, LeafPad, or some other text viewer. MS Excel also works with the .csv files. Other spreadsheets may as well. I have not had good results with the free Microsoft Access Viewer.

If you wish, you could also use the Access To MySQL conversion tool, or the Access To SQLite conversion tool, or something similar for whichever DBMS (Data Base Management System) you have. I have not tested any of these; proceed at your own risk.

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Database Design

I have a Masters Degree in Computer Science and, over the years, I've built many commercial, industrial, and governmental quality databases in MS Access, MySQL, SQlite, MS SQL Server, postgreSQL, Oracle, and DB2. I know all the rules of proper database design and normalization...

For this project, I've chosen to ignore most of those rules.

What I need (and what I suspect you might yourselves prefer) is a simple system which is easy to use and easy to maintain.

Each database consists of one table and five queries. The Table Fields are:

    ID     AutoNumber     Long Integer  
    ArticleName     Text     255  
    Category1     Text     255  
    Category2     Text     255  
    Magazine     Text     255  
    Volume     Number     Long Integer  
    Number     Number     Long Integer  
    Page     Number     Long Integer  
    MagMonth     Number     Long Integer  
    MagYear     Number     Long Integer  
    Comment     Memo     --  

The five queries are:

ArticleNameSearch - Selects records whose ArticleName Field contains a word or phrase you specify.

Category1Query - The entire table in Category1 order.

Category2Query - The entire table in Category2 order.

CommentQuery - Selects records whose Comment Field contains a word or phrase you specify.

MagOrderQuery - The entire table in Magazine Name order.

You'll note that the tables don't include fields for Author Name, Publisher, Address, etc., etc. If I need any of that information, I'll simply look it up in the magazine issue in question.

You'll also note that, except for the ArticleNameSearch and the CommentQuery, the queries don't isolate any records. I simply scan down the list until I come to the entry I'm looking for: they're all in alphanumeric order at that point.

For example, if I'm looking for articles about Mathematics, I'll do a Category1Query and scan down the list until I come to the "Math" entries in the Category1 Field. Then, I'll do a Category2Query and scan down the list until I come to the "Math" entries in the Category2 Field.

One of the costs of the simplicity of these databases is the need to check both category fields, because a given entry may appear in either field. For example, for one record, Category1 may be "Math" and Category2 may be "CoCo". Yet, for another record, Category1 may be "Assembly" and Category2 may be "Math".

Occasionally, a record will require more than two categories. When it does, I simply commit the cardinal sin of duplicating the record, resulting in (OH! The HORROR of it all!) two records containing the same data. In formal database work, this is bad because if something needs to be changed, you might change it in one record and forget to change it in the other. This project is not that mission-critical. I'll simply fix any such errors when and if I come across them.

In a similar fashion, it would be formally correct to provide a separate table of category entries to minimize the possibility of spelling errors. Built-in traps for such errors on entry would also be provided. In this project, such errors will simply appear out of order in the Category queries and will then be corrected forthwith. (For a list of the Categories I use, see below).

What appears in the ArticleName Fields of the databases does not always match the actual article name in the publication: I use whatever wording will be clearest and easiest to understand, and which will do the best job of directing me to the articles I'm looking for.

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Some magazines are identified by month and year, but not by volume and number. Conversely, some are identified by volume and number, but not by month and year. Some magazines (especially in the HTML only collections) do not specify page numbers. Wherever Volume, Number, Page, MagMonth, or MagYear data is missing or unavailable, I either insert the value 0 (zero), or I leave the field blank.

Some magazines are published quarterly rather than monthly. For such, I use "month" numbers: Spring = 13, Summer = 14, Fall = 15, and Winter = 16.

Some MC6809 articles are included in the database even where the MC6809 is not in a CoCo.

Generally, Micro:Bit articles and other microcontroller articles are included in the database.

Generally, UNIX and XENIX articles are included in the database.

FYI: Some of the items which I specifically do NOT try to index are articles specific to Apple, AIX, C# (because I just don't like it), Cisco, Flash (because it's a security risk), Fortran, Java (because it's a security risk), Oracle, Palm and Palm OS, Pocket PC, Red Hat, Solaris, Sun Systems, Windows CE, and Y2K (because that concern is SO over).

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3DPrint = 3D Printers and Printing

Adventure = Adventure Games (Usually Text-Only)


AdventureGraphic = Adventure Games with Graphics

AI = Artificial Intelligence


Arcade = Arcade Games

Arduino = Arduino, Micro:Bit, and other microcontroller Articles outside of the database

Assembly = Assembly, Disassembly, and Machine Language


Audio = Speech and organized sounds, other than Music


BASH = Bourne Again Shell (Linux)

BASIC = The BASIC Programming Language

BDS = BDS Software Articles


Bluetooth = Short-range wireless technology


ButtonsAndSwitches = Buttons and Switches (Mostly in the Arduino and RPi databases)

C = The C Programming Language

C# = The C# Programming Language (Only where absolutely necessary - Boo! Hiss!)

C++ = The C++ Programming Language

CAD = Computer-Aided Design

Case = Case Statements in Forth

CF83 = BDS Software's 83-Standard Forth for the Color Computer


CircuitPython = The CircuitPython Programming Language

Classes = Classes, Objects, etc.

Client/Server = Client/Server Models and Operations


Cluster = Computer Clusters, e.g. a cluster of eight interconnected Raspberry Pi 4 computers

CoCo = Color Computer Articles outside of the database


Communications = Serial, Parallel, SSH, etc.

Compilers = Compilers and Decompilers

Compression = Data Compression and Decompression






Debian = The Flavor of Linux I Use


Documentation - Guides, Manuals, and other files describing a piece of hardware or software

DragonsByte = A Fantasy Game Column

Editor = Text Editors, IDEs, etc.



Email = Email Systems

Embedded = Embedded Systems

Emulator = Emulators and Simulators, etc.

Encryption = Encryption and Security

Execution = Execution Mechanisms in Forth

ExternalDevices = Resistors, Capacitors, Controllers, etc.




Forth = Forth Articles outside of the database

FPGA = Field Programmable Gate Array Articles outside of the database

FRP = Fantasy Role Playing

FSM = Finite State Machines


GameBBS = Games on Bulletin Board Systems


GameHelp = Helps for Gameplay

GIS = Geographical Information Systems

GMApprentice = Game Master's Apprentice, A Fantasy Game Column


GTK = A widget toolkit for creating GUIs

GUI = Graphical User Interfaces


HATs = Hardware Attached on Top (Mostly for RPi)

Hints = Hints, Tips, and Tricks

HomeSystems = Lighting control, security camera access, etc.


IDE = Integrated Development Environment


Internal = System Internals


IoT = Internet of Things


KJV = BDS Software's King James Version of the Bible on Color Computer Disks

Languages = Programming Dialects and Languages other than Assembly, BASIC, C, C#, C++, CircuitPython, plain Forth, JavaScript, MicroPython, PygameZero, Python, or Scratch

LaserCutting = Laser Cutting and Laser Cutters

LEDs = Light-Emitting Diodes

LEGODevices = LEGO electronic bricks, pieces, etc.

Linux = Linux, UNIX, and Xenix Articles outside of the database

Logic = Electronic logic devices such as gates; generally a Semiconductor Device (not a Memory Device) having the primary function of computing and/or otherwise processing instructions

Maint = Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Repair

Make = Make and Makefile Software Tools



MicroBit = The timy BBC micro:bit microcontroller

MicroPython = The MicroPython Programming Language

Misc = Miscellaneous Articles, not otherwise classifiable



Network = Nets and Networking

NitrOS-9 = A CoCo3 Operating System

OpSys = Operating Systems other than Linux

Optimize = Optimization

OS9 = The OS/9 Operating System, primarily as for the Color Computer

PCBs = Printed Circuit Boards



Pico = The Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W microcontrollers

PowerSupply = Power Supply (generally as stepped-down from 125 VAC)

Print = Printers and Printing

Programming = General Programming

Publish = Desktop Publishing



PygameZero = The PygameZero Game Design Programming Language


R&C = Received and Certified


Random = Random Numbers and Generators


Retro = Devices and Systems which are imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past

Review = Software and other product reviews


Rocketry = Amateur and Model Rocketry

RPi = Raspberry Pi Articles outside of the database

Science = Science, Engineering, etc.

Scratch = The Scratch Block-Style Programming Language




Serial = RS-232 and other Serial Port Devices and Circuits

Simulation = Software Simulations (e.g. Games that model reality)



Sound = Sound Effects (e.g. disorganized sounds)



Stacks = Stacks in Forth

Statistics = Probability and Statistics


StringProcessing = String and Text Processing


Subroutine = Subroutines, Functions, Macros, and Modules, etc.

SysAdmin = Systems Administration


Tools = Tools other than Makefile Tools






Weather = Weather Stations and Related Hardware and Software

Web = The Web, HTML, the Internet, Intranets, etc.

WiFi = Wireless Networking

WordP = Word Processors

Words = Forth Colon Definitions, i.e. Words

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Column Names and Other Abbreviations

In the ArticleName Fields of these databases, in order to save typing time and effort, I use various abbreviations for recurring magazine column names and often reappearing words and phrases. These abbreviations are:

16S - 16-Bit Software Toolbox; Dr. Dobb's Journal

AA - Algorithm Alley; Dr. Dobb's Journal

AB - Ask Byte (Not Ciarcia); Byte Magazine

ABC - Ask Byte (Ciarcia); Byte Magazine

AC - Assembly Corner; Rainbow Magazine

AL - Assembly Line; 80 Micro Magazine

ALG - Algorithma: A Monthly Algorithms Column; Dr. Dobb's Journal

AOP - Art of Programming; 80 Micro Magazine

ATD - Ask The Doctor; Forth Dimensions

ATF - At The Forge; Linux Journal

BB - Basic Beat; Hot CoCo

BD - Beyond DOS; Byte Magazine

BOB - Best Of Bix; Byte Magazine

BS - Basically Speaking; Rainbow Magazine

BT - Basic Training; Rainbow Magazine

BTA - Basic Takes; 80 Micro Magazine

CC - CoCo Consultations; Rainbow Magazine

CCA - C Cave; MagPi Magazine

CCC - Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar; Byte Magazine

CCF - Circuit Cellar Feedback; Byte Magazine

CCH - C Chest; Dr. Dobb's Journal

CLC - Command Line Clinic; MagPi Magazine

CLP - Command Line Pi; MagPi Magazine

CM - Copernica Mathematica; 80 Micro Magazine

CP - C Programming; Dr. Dobb's Journal

CS - C#; MagPi Magazine

CUP - C/UNIX Programmer's Notebook; Dr. Dobb's Journal

CWL - Cooking With Linux; Linux Journal

DA - Dr. ASCII; Rainbow Magazine and Hot CoCo

DB - Debian; MagPi Magazine

DC - Doctor C's Pointers; C/C++ User's Journal

DS - Data Structures; Byte Magazine

EA - Elmer's Arcade; Hot CoCo

EC - Effective Concurrency; Dr. Dobb's Journal

ECB - Extended Color BASIC (CoCo)

EE - Everyday Engineering; Mag Pi Magazine

EMBS - Embedded Spaces; Dr. Dobb's Journal

ER - Examining Room; Dr. Dobb's Journal

ES - External Storage; MagPi Magazine

ESG - Economy Size Geek; Linux Journal

FB - Fuze Basic; MagPi Magazine

FH - Fun House; 80 Micro Magazine

FOA - Focus On Algorithms; Byte Magazine

FRP - Fantasy Role Playing; Rainbow Magazine

GA - Gamemaster's Apprentice; Rainbow Magazine

GRP - Graphics Programming; Dr. Dobb's Journal

GS - Graphically Speaking; Hot CoCo

GWP - Games We Play; Linux Journal

GYG - Get Your Game On; Linux Journal

HAS - Hack And /; Linux Journal

HRD - Hacking the Raspberry Desktop; MagPi Magazine

HTC - How To Do It In C; C/C++ User's Journal

HTS - How To Solve It; Creative Computing

IC - In Control; MagPi Magazine

ICG - Intelligent Computer Games; Creative Computing

KK - Kernel Korner; Linux Journal

LAB - Letters and Ask Byte; Byte Magazine

LI - Lego Interface; MagPi Magazine

LP - Logi Pi; MagPi Magazine

LPH - Linux Programming Hints; Linux Journal

LSA - Linux System Administration; Linux Journal

MGP - Make Games With Python; MagPi Magazine

MR - Mathematical Recreations; Byte Magazine

NCPP - The New C++; Dr. Dobb's Journal

NN - Novice's Niche; Rainbow Magazine

OHL - OS-9 Hotline; Rainbow Magazine

OOF - Object-Oriented Forth

PARP - Paranoid Penguin; Linux Journal

PB - PiBot; MagPi Magazine

PC - Pi Lite = Physical Computing; MagPi Magazine

PP - Python Pit; MagPi Magazine

PPF - Puzzles and Problems for Fun; Creative Computing

PPP - Programming Pastimes and Pleasures; Dr. Dobb's Journal

PRP - Programming Paradigms; Dr. Dobb's Journal

PRT - Programmer's ToolChest - Dr. Dobb's Journal

PS - Packet Sniffing; MagPi Magazine

PT Programming Techniques; Creative Computing

PT3 - Programming Tips, Tricks, and Traps; Rainbow Magazine

PW - Programmers Workbench; Dr. Dobb's Journal

QA - Questions and Answers; C/C++ User's Journal

RF - Reader's Forum; Hot CoCo

RSM - Remote Sensor Monitoring; MagPi Magazine

RWA - Real World Applications; Hot CoCo

SAR - Some Assembly Required; Byte Magazine

SB - Soft Bits, 80 Micro Magazine

SC - Software Corner; Byte Magazine

SK - Skutter; MagPi Magazine

SP - Scratch Patch; MagPi Magazine

SPR - Short Programs; Creative Computing

STC - Standard C; C/C++ User's Journal

STP - Structured Programming; Dr. Dobb's Journal

TAL - The Assembly Line; Rainbow Magazine

TC - Take Command; Linux Journal

TCE - The Cutting Edge; Linux Journal

TL - Topics In Logic; Creative Computing

TOTS - Turn Of The Screw; Rainbow Magazine

TQA - Technical Questions and Answers; Rainbow Magazinw

TSC - Thinking Strategies with the Computer; Creative Computing

TT - Tech Tips; Dr. Dobb's Journal

TTGV - Tech Tips with Gnull and Voyd; Linux Journal

UB - Unix /bin; Byte Magazine

UC - Undocumented Corner; Dr. Dobb's Journal

UE - UNIX Exchange; Dr. Dobb's Journal

UTH - Under The Hood; Byte Magazine

WG - What's GNU?; Linux Journal

WTS - Work The Shell; Linux Journal

* - In Comments Field = an article of special interest to me

** - In Comments Field = an article of particularly special interest to me

*** - In Comments Field = an article of great special interest to me

**** - In Comments Field = an article of exceeding special interest to me

***** - In Comments Field = an article of most special interest to me

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Magazine Source Locations

Downsizing is a way of life at my age: I can't devote room in the house to a magazine collection. Therefore, except where otherwise indicated, I'm only cataloging articles from computer magazines which are available free and online. Also except where otherwise indicated, the magazines are all downloadable .pdf files. The magazine source locations are:

80 Micro Magazine

Academia Arduino Articles

Byte Magazine

C/C++ Users Journal
--- - HTML Only.

As of 2021/07/20, this link appears to be defunct. Another source might be:

--- Back Issues
--- Current Issues

CoCo Friends Disk Magazine (CFDM)

Color Computer Magazine

Custom PC

As of 2023/11/28, publication of Custom PC has been discontinued,
and this site has converted to the display of web articles only.
The site appears to no longer provide any links to past issues.
I have also not been able to find any back issues on the Internet Archive.

Creative Computing

Dr. Dobb's Journal
--- 1976-1990:
--- 1988-2008: - HTML Only.

As of 2021/07/20, this link appears to be defunct. I have not as yet discovered any viable alternate link.

--- 2008-2019: - HTML Only.

To use this latter site, you must have a free account. But the account signup wasn't working as of 2019/03/31. But if you establish an account at InfoWeek that account seems to work on the Dr. Dobb's site as well.

Elektor Magazine Arduino Articles

Embedded Magazine
--- and emb02.pdf, emb03.pdf, & emb05.pdf

Forth Dimensions

Forth Modification Laboratory (FORML) Conference Proceedings
--- These are not available online. I'm obtaining copies from various libraries via InterLibrary Loans. Progress has been rather slow due to Covid and Libraries' reluctance to provide interlibrary loans during this period.

Full Circle Magazine Arduino Articles

Gamers Connection


Hello World Magazine

Hot CoCo

Journal of Forth Application and Research (JFAR), i.e. The Rochester Conferences

Linux Journal (Complete Run)
--- 1994/03-2005/03:
--- 2005/04-2019/08:

Make Magazine Arduino Articles

MagPi Magazine

Micro:mag Magazine

Perl Journal
--- - HTML Only.

As of 2021/07/20, this link appears to be defunct. I have not as yet discovered any viable alternate link.

Proceedings of the Rochester Forth Applications
--- You'll have to search the web individually - some may be available for download; others may not.

Rainbow Magazine

--- - HTML Only.

As of 2021/07/20, this link appears to be defunct. I have not as yet discovered any viable alternate link.


As of 2023/11/28, publication of Wireframe has been discontinued,
and this site has converted to the display of web articles only.
The site appears to no longer provide any links to past issues.
But some issues appear to be available by going to the Internet Archive and searching on the term "Wireframe" (without the quotes).

Xcell Journal
--- through Xcell94.pdf

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